Family Behaviors the Increase Your LGBTQ Child's Risk for Serious Health & Mental Health Problems

Research from the Family Acceptance Project® shows that more than 50 family rejecting behaviors contribute to serious health risks for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) youth. These include depression, suicidal behavior, illegal drug use, HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STls).

Family rejection increases risk for homelessness and placement in foster care and juvenile justice facilities.

Most parents and families that engage in these behaviors do so out of care and concern to help their LGBTQ / gender diverse child fit in. have good life and to protect them from harm. Help families understand that these and other rejecting behaviors are harmful!


Prevent your child from having an LGBTQ friend

Tell your LGBTQ child that you're ashamed of them

Tell your child that being LGBTQ is "just a phase"

Use religion to reject your child's sexual orientation, gender identity and expression

Tell your child to "tone down" how they look, dress or behave

Don't talk about your child's LGBTQ identity

Pressure your child to be more (or less) masculine or feminine

Take your child to a therapist or religious leader to try to change their LGBTQ identity

Make your child pray or attend religious services to change or prevent their LGBTQ identity

Blame your child when others mistreat them because of their LGBTQ identity gender expression

Don't use the name or pronoun that matches your child's gender identity

Hit, slap or physically hurt your child because they are LGBTQ / gender diverse

Call your child negative names because they are LGBTQ / gender diverse

Try to change your child's LGBTQ identity or gender expression

Don't let your child participate in LGBTQ support groups or services

Don't let your child talk about their LGBTQ identity

Tell your child that God will punish them because of their sexual orientation or gender identity

Exclude your LGBTQ child from family of events & activities

Let others speak badly about LGBTQ / gender diverse people in front of your child

Don't let your child wear clothes or hair-styles that express their gender identity

Make your child leave home because they are LGBTQ

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